Home2020July (Page 3)

July 2020

Part I: War Without Images The title of Mohammed Soudani’s film War Without Images- Algeria, I Know That You Know carries the unintended irony of being as forgotten and inaccessible as its subject matter is supposedly non-existent, given that the existence of the photographs that the film is about are negated by its title. Listed on none of the major film databases, I was very lucky to stumble upon this film while searching YouTube for documentaries about Algerian history. Given the film’s title, it is also hardly surprising that it was one of the first and only relevant results for my

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"Untitled" by Maryam Riazi “I just don’t go. It’s not a thing here in India.”    This was the first thing Hostel Boy said when I asked about places to go at night in Jaipur.  I knew I was at the hippest place in all of Rajasthan when the receptionist told me about the Netflix and Chill room downstairs before telling me where my bed was.    On the second day, I woke up sick as a dog. Hostel Boy was lying on the human-swallowing hot pink fluffs of pillow, blanketing the parquet floor of the hostel basement. He saw me sneezing endlessly

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"Kamakura 1 & 2" by Azza Hussein Note by the Author: In the mid 1800’s, a colony of outcasts was created, destination for those diagnosed with the Hansen’s disease known as leprosy, those sent to a desolate peninsula called Kalaupapa on the Hawaiian island of Molokai. The place has a dark and tragic history. Many died there. Some were tossed overboard to swim to shore or die Many were abandoned. Those sent there, their own homelands stolen so that the wealthy islanders could claim them, were quarantined, castigated, and suffered in often inhuman ways. The

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في حين غادر إيران زملاء له، رفض هو مغادرتها بعد الثورة الإيرانية مفضّلًا البقاء في وطنه، حيث بيته وحارته وذكرياته. ظلّ في داره القديمة شمال طهران، داره المنزوية في ظل مبانٍ عالية وباردة، صامدة كصاحبها في وجه الهدم. ومن هناك، أنجز عباس كيارستمي، شاعر السينما وفيلسوفها، أجمل أفلامه.  في الرابع من شهر تمّوز، ستمرّ سنواتٌ أربع  على غياب هذا الفنان المعلّم (1940-2016) الذي قدّم تعريفًا جديدًا للسينما، وتلمّس، بلغةٍ بصريةٍ متأملةٍ وحساسة، مستوياتٍ عاليةً من المشاعر الإنسانية، لغة سينمائية تقترب من الواقعية الإيطالية الجديدة وسينما المؤلف الفرنسية، وتجد مصادرها في قلب الواقع اليومي والشعر الفارسي، وفي علاقة الإنسان مع

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by Fouad M. Fouad, translated from the Arabic by Ola Abdulla 3 Our nightmares do not fit all this hell 4000 dead  Their terrified eyes leering at the emptiness of our souls Their stares clotting out of fear on the sidewalk   4000 dead How can the world fit all this wailing?    4000 dead in one month  20 thousand liters of tenebrous blood    “blood rivers” No longer a metaphor   6 We prepare for the worst, upcoming  Then the worst happens We’re perplexed  We’re shocked And we wallow  Then we begin again, Preparing for the worst, upcoming   12 The books are also refugees    Thousands of books arrived today from my library in Aleppo to Beirut.  The books that I gathered in the span of 40

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