Advertising Slogans: A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste

When there is no tomorrow

The happiest place on earth, or

The last place you want to go is

At the heart of the image, where

Between love and madness lies obsession


When you care enough to send the very best

Think big, or think small, for nothing is

Impossible, just as impossible is nothing

Make believe. Save money, live better

Eat fresh. Twist the cap to refreshment and

Reach out to touch someone


When the world zigs, zag

Get N or get out. Expand your mind

Change your world. Fly the friendly sky

Share moments, share life

Let your finger do the walking

Just do it and have it your way


If you want to impress someone

Put him on your blacklist, as it

Keeps going and going and going

And make the most of now

Because you’re worth it


See what we mean?

Yuan Changming

Yuan Changming, 8-time Pushcart nominee and author of 5 chapbooks (including Kingship [2015] and the Origin of Letters[2015]), is the world's most widely published poetry creator who speaks Chinese but writes English. Growing up in a remote village, Yuan began to learn English at 19, and published several monographs on translation before moving to Canada as an international student. With a PhD in English, Yuan currently co-edits Poetry Pacific and runs PP Press with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver. Since mid-2005, Changming has had poetry appearing in 1049 literary publications across 34 countries, including Asia Literary Review, Best Canadian Poetry (2009,12,14), BestNewPoemsOnline, London Magazine and Threepenny Review.

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<span lang="EN">Yuan Changming, 8-time Pushcart nominee and author of 5 chapbooks (including <i>Kingship</i> [2015] and <i>the Origin of Letters</i>[2015]), is the world's most widely published poetry creator who speaks Chinese but writes English. Growing up in a remote village, Yuan began to learn English at 19, and published several monographs on translation before moving to Canada as an international student. With a PhD in English, Yuan currently co-edits <i>Poetry Pacific</i> and runs PP Press with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver. Since mid-2005, Changming has had poetry appearing in 1049 literary publications across 34 countries, including <i>Asia Literary Review, Best Canadian Poetry </i>(2009,12,14)<i>, BestNewPoemsOnline, London Magazine </i>and <i>Threepenny Review.</i></span>

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