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LATEST WEBZINE SERIES//سلسلة الويبزين الأخيرة

حذف وإضافة

الكتابة عبر الأجيال//TRANSGENERATIONS

FROM THE ARCHIVE//من الأرشيف



As I Walked Along The Beach Series | By Noir Barakat On the morning my womb sheds, I am told...


Pay no heed to puritanical talk

by Abu Nuwas, translated from the Arabic by Alex Rowell Pay no heed to puritanical talk And drink of a...

ISSUE  11العدد

WHAT’S NEW//جديدنا

There are no upcoming events at this time

WRITING PROMPT//فكرة اليوم

In “A Braided Heart: Shaping the Lyric Essay,” Brenda Miller writes: “What is new is not what we tell but how we tell it. The lyric essay is one way to do this: It demands (or perhaps gently asks, with a knowing smile) that we stay awake to the chance associations and intuitive connections that make life bearable. Or, really, to be more precise, it asks us to create those very connections through the act of writing, to follow a chain of those connections as far as they will go and pinch them together in the end.” 


Randomly pull out three objects from your bag, your shelf, or otherwise in your possession now. Set them in front of you and free write on each for at least 15 minutes. You may choose to describe or tell a story or go on a tangent. What is important is that the writing is inspired by the objects. Then see if there is a common image or theme between them and write a paragraph on that. Revel in chance associations and intuitive connections.

By Brenda Miller and adapted by Rima Rantisi

THEMED ISSUES//الأعداد الثيمية

ABOUTS US//نبذة عنا

منذ 2012، نشرت فَمْ: مجلة بيروت الأدبية والفنية أعمالاً باللغتين العربية والانجليزية لكتاب وفنانين ناشئين وآخرين متمرّسين في طبعاتها الثيمية السنوية بالإضافة إلى ملفات على موقعها، وذلك بسبيل استكشاف مواهب جديدة والإضاءة على الأدب والفن المعاصرَين في المنطقة العربية والشتات.

Rusted Radishes: Beirut Literary and Art Journal (RR) | فم: مجلة بيروت الأدبية والفنية is a bilingual journal based in Beirut. Since 2012, RR has published previously unpublished works by emerging and established writers and artists in its annual themed issue and webzine to both nurture new talent and highlight contemporary literature and art from the Arab & SWANA region and diaspora.

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