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Maia Tabet

Maia Tabet is an Arabic-English literary translator living in Washington DC. Her translations have been widely published in journals, literary reviews, and other specialized publications, including The Common, Journal of Palestine Studies, Words Without Borders, Portal 9, and Banipal, among others. She is the translator of Little Mountain (Minnesota University Press, 1989, Carcanet, 1990, and Picador, 2007) and White Masks (Archipelago Books, 2010, and MacLehose Press, 2013) by the renowned Lebanese writer Elias Khoury; and of Throwing Sparks (Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Publishing, 2012) by Abdo Khal, the winner of the 2010 International Prize for Arabic Fiction. Her translation of Sinan Antoon’s The Baghdad Eucharist appeared in April 2017 (Hoopoe Press) and she has just completed her translation of Hisham Bustani’s The Monotonous Chaos of Existence into English.

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